Adventure Around the Corner 
documentary film series for children
parts 5-7

"Adventure Around the Corner" is a new and unique format that we have developed and implemented for documentary nature films for children and young people. The pilot film, which consists of three twenty-minute parts, was so popular that we are continuing it as a series.

After the successful premiere of the series, Part 4, "Capercaillies in the Black Forest", was produced as a DVD and has been available from Planetfilm since May 2008.

The shooting of Part 5, "Adventure in Costa Rica", has been finished and the rough cut is now being edited. The research has been completed for Part 6, "The Rhine Meadows -- Surviving the Flood", and Part 7, "Journey to the Cradle of Culture", and both parts arenow in the pre-production stage. The shooting for Part 7 was completed in Turkey in May 2008.
Meanwhile, a new episode is also being planned. Preparations are being made for Part 8, "Water - the Origin of All Life".

We're happy to announce to all the fans of this successful documentary series that they will soon be able to share more adventures with Eleanora and Alena!